Image first shared on 2/16/2021.
Discovered: A Lost Archive of Original Pilates Studio Photos
View the photos and learn how Elaine Ewing discovered this lost archive of photos taken in 1956 inside the original pilates studio of Joseph and Clara pilates teaching Elaine Malbin.
Photo taken by John Vachon for Look Magazine; Library of Congress.
Prints of Elaine Malbin in Joseph Pilates’ original pilates studio are available for purchase here.
This article is the only full color, printed magazine article about Joe’s original studio that I know of. It is from the 1950’s. It contains many gems, showing Elaine Malbin in red using the adjustable Ped-o-Pul, reformer, and Cadillac, as well as posing on the scale. Sean Gallagher owns that exact original scale, and is currently in the process of refurbishing it. I happen to own a number of original copies of this magazine issue. Please contact me for purchasing information. Image first shared on 7/21/2021.

Stretching for the High Notes
Through my Elaine Malbin research, I discovered this rare 1950’s article about Elaine Malbin and Contrology! I’m fortunate to own a couple original copies as well. Images first shared on 7/1/2021

Elaine Malbin dedicated Opera Singer
Elaine Malbin was a dedicated student of Joseph Pilates as well as a renown opera singer. These photos taken from the 1950’s were first discovered through extensive and thorough research by Elaine Ewing, and are now shared for the first time to the pilates community at large. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Popular Posing
Elaine Malbin was an often-photographed student of Joe’s as well as a famous opera singer. Here she is shown not only exercising but also posing in the popular position of having Joe stand on her stomach to prove how strong she was. It was quite common for Joe and his students to pose like this for articles and photos- which seems to have been a great idea because it still grabs our attention today! Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Image first shared on 2/13/2021.
Elaine Malbin Demonstrates Exercise
In 1959, Elaine Malbin was featured in five newspaper installments demonstrating exercise, which was a mix of the Pilates Method with other exercises. The descriptions are playful and interesting! Images first shared on 2/13/2021.

An article about Elaine Malbin discussing her workout, as well as demonstrating with Iron Shoes. It also includes information about standing on top of someone (as Joe frequently did), with a demonstration. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Throughout the 1950’s, many short blurbs about Elaine Malbin and Contrology appeared in newspapers, such as these. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

I can only assume this article is about Joe and The Pilates Studio, but there’s a chance it’s about another gym. Elaine also appeared in other articles where she worked out in other places besides with Joe. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

This article suggests usage of the Iron Shoes that Joe designed. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Image first shared on 8/31/2022.

Image first shared on 8/31/2022.
A nice little article written by Elaine Malbin herself, that mentions her exercise routine. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Elaine Talks about Importance of Exercise
A great read about why Elaine Malbin exercised in regards to her singing career. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

An interesting article, showing Elaine Malbin exercising and discussing her workouts and her trainer, though it never specifies if it’s Joe and The Pilates Studio that she’s talking about. It very well might not be, but its great read anyway. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

An example of an article about Elaine Malbin and her workouts that were specifically not about The Pilates Studio. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Image first shared on 2/13/2021.
An article about Elaine Malbin that shows her working out in Joe’s studio. Interesting that they only call it a “local gym” and not The Pilates Studio. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

An article with Elaine Malbin demonstrating Control Balance in a poolside setting. Image first shared on 2/13/2021.

Image first shared on 2/13/2021.
Elaine Malbin Photos in the original Pilates Studio
Check out Elaine Ewing’s historical finding of hundreds of unpublished photos of Elaine Malbin in the original Pilates Studio.
See Elaine Malbin Original Photos for the whole story about how she discovered this lost history.
Related Topics: William Herman, Joseph Pilates Articles, Joe’s Clients