Contrology Advertisements | Pilates History Research

The Oldest Known Ad for Joe Pilates in the US

The Oldest Known Ad for Joe Pilates in the US: October 1926

One of the best things about pilates history is that it has a way of eventually teaching you things you didn’t know!

We knew Joe originally came to the US in 1925 and then again to stay in 1926. This means that just 8 months later, Joe was advertising self defense, jiu-jitzu, and “reducing and developing.”
Image first shared 6/22/24.

Marie Bollinger Normalizing Classes for Women Joseph Pilates Ad

This ad is likely based on Joe Pilates’ famous line that there are “almost no normal people.” Image first shared 6/22/24.

Also see: Other Contrology Teachers

Carola Trier’s Acrobatic Roller Skating

This series of advertisements for Carola Trier’s Acrobatic Roller Skating show were printed in 1946- 4 years after she arrived in the US and about 3 years after she began as a student of Joseph Pilates. Images first shared on 6/23/24.

See also: Carola Trier

Carola Trier Acrobatic Roller skating Advertising Series
Carola Trier Acrobatic Roller skating Advertising Series
Carola Trier Acrobatic Roller skating Advertising Series
Carola Trier Acrobatic Roller skating Advertising Series
Joe Pilates Complete Course Archive Ad

An unusual ad for “Joseph Pilates and his Art and Science of Contrology Orchestra.” Image first shared 5/12/23.
Also see: Joseph Pilates Articles

Joe Pilates Complete Course Archive Ad

This incredible  find is due to the research of Cathy Strack. Her discovery debuted to the pilates community through  publication in her book, Get to Know Joe Pilates. This image is from Elaine Ewing’s personal collection of original magazines and articles. This ad, dating back to 1927 is the second oldest known US based Pilates ad to date. Image first shared 5/12/23.

popular mechanics scientific equipment pilates archive advertisement

In the late 1930’s, Joseph Pilates took out this ad for an unspecified invention. Based on the price point and the description, we’re thinking it might be the Magic Circle or the Tensometer. It appears that he is advertising a $5 royalty given to those who are willing to sell the apparatus for him. So cool! Stay tuned as the research continues.

Special thanks to Ellen Boyle for sending me this incredible historical find! Image first shared on 10/25/21.

These ads were individually placed by three of the Pilates Elders in the 1960s: Carola Trier, Eve Gentry, and Bruce King. Although none of them mention Contrology or Joseph Pilates specifically, we know that Carola Trier did teach Joe’s method in her studio. Additionally, it is notable to find ads from Bruce King and Eve Gentry, giving us a greater perspective to their careers. Images first shared on 10/5/21.

contrology advertisement Carola Trier Body Conditioning
contrology advertisement Bruce King
Contrology Advertisements Eve Gentry
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