online virtual pilates classes

Electric Chair, Standing Arm Weights and Springs classes are back!

Electric Chair, Standing Arm Weights, and Springs classes start this week!


electric chair pilates online virtual class

30-Minute Electric Chair | 5-Week Series
Tuesdays 10:30-11am EST
Single Class $20; $90/5; or use the 10 Pack of ½ Hour Classes

Authentic Pilates Electric Chair! This 5-week series will utilize the Electric Chair and strengthen your practice, not only on this particular apparatus but across the systems to the benefit of your other weekly workouts.

What you need to join: an Electric Chair (a chair with handles will also do)
A recording is available for 3 days if you can’t make it live.

Register Online Here




pilates online virtual springs class


Springs Class
Tuesdays 11:30-12pm EST
Single Class $20; $90/5; or use the 10 Pack of ½ Hour Classes

30 Minutes using the arm and leg springs! This class can be taken using a Wall Unit, Cadillac, Resister, Springboard, or springs in a door frame. Classes may occasionally include the Magic Circle.

A recording is available for 3 days if you can’t make it live.

Register Online Here




toe corrector 2x4 hand wieghts pilates online virtual class
Toe Corrector, 2×4, and Weights
Fridays 10:30-11am EST
Single Class $20; $90/5; or use the 10 Pack of ½ Hour Classes

A new addition to the Toe Corrector & 2×4 class- hand weights! This class is not only an amazing workout in itself, it also builds a foundation of incredible strength and precision that carries through your regular practice across the studio. We will practice 2×4 exercises, Toe Corrector exercises, and weights that incorporate hand weights, specifically standing exercises.

For this class you will need: a 2×4, Toe Corrector, and a set of light hand weights (1-3lbs).
A recording is available for 3 days if you can’t make it live.

Register Online Here

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